
Encourage People to Shine Be an Organization That is Healthy Mentally and Physically, Encouraging Employees in Their Individuality and Ability

One of our key management resources to achieve our growth strategy and vision is our unique and diverse organization and human resources. These human resources allow us to create new business models and customer experience value that are not bound by conventional frameworks. We engage in diversity management to leverage this strength as an important part of management strategy, and we strive to enhance job satisfaction and foster employee well-being through measures linked to human resources strategies and workplace environments. Our employees are the driving force behind Adastria growth. Harnessing the individuality and capabilities of these people, we conduct business activities that contribute to the enrichment and development of local communities and stakeholders.

Driving Medium- and Long-Term Corporate Growth Through Diversity Management
- Supporting individuals to become a person needed through environments that respect diversity and encourage people to take on challenges without fear of failure -

Diversifying the Organization Through Supporting Activities for Women

As women account for approximately 75% of our regular employee base, we see career advancement for women as a priority issue in diversity management. Since approximately 80% of our apparel products are designed for women, we believe that providing better products and services that reflect women’s dynamic perspectives and diverse opinions is directly linked to high financial performance and customer satisfaction. We have set specific goals and are continuously engaged in initiatives under a cross-department project team including a director in charge of this overall topic. Our goals are to increase the ratio of female managers to 45% or more and the ratio of women in senior management positions (general manager and above) to 30% by 2025. Since the fiscal year ended February 2023, the company has begun holding roundtable discussions between female employees and management, newly engaging women in management meetings previously composed solely of men. These have led to cultivating female candidates for executive positions and more active discussions, as well as a change in management awareness.

Specific Initiatives

The development and promotion of female directors and management candidates are regularly discussed at management meetings and Sustainability Committee meetings, with reports made as appropriate, to strategically form a pool of human resources. In addition to holding study sessions and lectures on diversity and operating a mentoring system, from 2022 we have begun holding roundtable discussions between female employees and management and involving female employees in the management committee, which used to be composed of men.
In terms of work style, in 2007, we began supporting a better balance between work and childcare. We have established a unique leave system, a consultation service, and a system that allows employees to choose their work style according to their child-rearing situation, thereby realizing a system that allows women raising children to work with peace of mind for a long time. The Company has an environment in which women can build their careers after taking childcare leave, with 99.4% of our female employees taking maternity leave and 98.8% returning to work after childcare leave (as of the fiscal year ending February 2023). In order to support a better balance between work and child rearing, from 2023, we are strengthening support for male employees to take maternity leave and creating a portal site exclusively for employees on maternity and childcare leave.
In fiscal year ended February 2024, we took a multifaceted approach that included a Diversity Study Session (two sessions) for management and a seminar for managers on health issues specific to women. In addition, we endeavor to create environments encouraging employees to take childcare leave confidently, regardless of gender, to strengthen engagement through support for balancing work and childcare, and to build environments that empower women to contribute over the long term without career interruption.

Supporting for Career Growth and Work-Childcare Balance

Career growth support project called Carikaku

In September 2022, we launched a career growth support project called Carikaku, which creates opportunities for employees working in our stores to autonomously explore future career possibilities and take on challenges. This project is the result of feedback from our store employees who want to be more actively involved in certain interest areas while still working at their store, who want to develop careers that make the most of their own personalities and strengths, and who want to take a further step forward in fields related to sales. Five major roles have been established as new career steps, including for regional promotion, where staff plan and carry out regional revitalization events and corporate collaboration rooted in the community, and as an SSC* certified instructor, who is responsible for improving store customer service skills as a sales specialist. Our employees, who are always attentive to customers’ voices and needs, as well as specific regional characteristics, are the driving force behind Adastria’s growth. We support our employees to create their own careers and to ensure they remain excited about their jobs throughout their working lives.

*SSC is an abbreviation for Service Skill Certification. This is Adastria’s unique skill certification system for all staff working in stores to improve customer satisfaction and sales abilities, as well as staff motivation and  sales staff rank.

Creating Systems and Environments That Encourage Employee Growth

We strive to create opportunities for employees to take on unique challenges, develop self-directed careers, and learn to chart careers on their own. We aim to become a flexible and diverse organization that believes in the potential of all. We encourage employees to challenge themselves, regardless of age or place of work, creating systems and environments that boost motivation.

Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in Workplaces Database  (Japanese)

Foster employee wellbeing

Approach to Health Management Promotion

To enjoy fashion, one must be healthy and capable of spending a rewarding, personal time with family and loved ones over the long term. We began formal health management in fiscal 2021 under the slogan, - Play fashion! Play wellness! - ~Enjoy Fashion and Life, Be Healthier, and Be More Yourself~. Adastria has been recognized for a second consecutive year by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization. The ministry recognized our efforts to build a foundation for health management and to spread awareness of health management among employees, as well as our initiatives to prevent illness among all employees through health checkups and other means. Enjoy your work and life, and be more yourself! is a message that the Adastria style of health management seeks to offer.

Health Management Website (Japanese)

Health Management Promotion System

The Adastria Wellness Committee, a health promotion committee formed by employees selected through internal recruitment, has been launched to promote wellbeing. We will pick up the real voices of employees and their ever-changing needs, and make proposals to reflect them in health promotion and insurance projects that are in line with the actual situation. We also plan and execute wellness events, etc., while fostering a climate and environment in which employees themselves can improve their health literacy and engage in activities to maintain and promote their health.

Health Management Policies for FY2/2024

New Health Consultation Service, Mental and Physical Health Consultation Service

In November 2023, the Health Management Promotion Office launched the Mental and Physical Health Consultation Service, a health consultation desk available to all employees. The service encourages employees to discuss concerns about mental and physical health with professional outside counselors and occupational health professionals (industrial physicians and public health nurses). Another feature of the servicer is the availability of full-time female staff with experience working in stores and as area managers to provide advice. In addition, using the available chat tool allows for easy consultation while ensuring privacy and anonymity.

Seminar for Managers to Enhance Health Literacy
– Understanding women's health issues, mental health, and other health topics –

Adastria employs a high percentage of females (80%), including term employees. Our store staff also includes many young employees, presenting unique employee health issues across our organization. In fiscal 2023, we held a seminar to enhance health literacy for leaders with subordinates. Participants learned about health issues specific to women, including gynecological disorders, menstruation, and infertility treatment. The seminar also covered topics on basic mental health to deepen an understanding of dealing with health issues to ensure comfortable workplaces for all.

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