
Encourage People to Shine A Society in Which People Enjoy Fashion in Their Own Way

We provide products and services based on a multi-brand, multi-category approach to meet the needs of our many customers. Not only will we provide well-tailored customer service, but we will also respect differences in age, gender, body shape, and preferences, as well as contribute to the realization of a society where everyone can enjoy their own unique lifestyle through fashion.

Initiatives for society to promote understanding of diversity

We are engaged in social awareness activities to promote understanding of diversity through fashion, so that everyone can spend each day with excitement while letting their individuality shine through. Our participation in and sponsorship of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, one of the largest LGBTQ+ festivals in Japan, and Kyushu Rainbow Pride, as well as our support of the "OUT IN JAPAN" coming out photo project, are part of these activities.

Being an LGBTQ+ Ally

To deepen understanding of LGBTQ+ and other minorities, we will engage in social awareness activities and expand recognition of genderless fashion. To date, we have revised our internal regulations, including adding language to the definition of spouse to recognize same-sex partners in order to ensure fair application of benefits under our system. As of 2022, we show an original training video to employees at all stores in Japan and fly rainbow flags in stores as part of celebrating Adastria Pride Month, working to promote understanding of minorities. In recognition of these efforts, we were awarded the highest rating of Gold in the PRIDE Index* for the fourth consecutive year. We will continue to lead the fashion industry as an ally in the LGBTQ+ community.
*The PRIDE Index is Japan’s first index to evaluate efforts to support sexual minorities in the workplace, created by the voluntary organization work with Pride in 2016.

Our diversity training video (Japanese only)

Understanding and promoting inclusive fashion

Through the inclusive fashion project Play fashion! for ALL which aims to include all people regardless of disability, age, or gender, we are working to help people’s individuality to shine through fashion. In fiscal year ended February 2022, under the theme of greater enjoyment for all, regardless of disability, influencers with disabilities and care workers were invited to our events. In addition to exchanging opinions on problems and concerns with the aim of applying them to future product development and services, the participants experienced the joys of fashion in collaboration with six brands. We will continue to create fashion that values the perspectives and ideas of people from various walks of life.

Product example: “corduroy shirt with sleeve badges” for wheelchair users.​

Fostering the next generation through fashion

With the aim of nurturing the next generation of leaders in the fashion industry, we offer company programs that provide hands-on experience in product planning and other aspects of the industry. In fiscal year ended February 2022, 13 high school students living in the Kanto region participated in this program. The program consists of two sessions, designed to offer an experience similar to the actual work we do. About 20 of our employees, including designers, pattern makers and merchandisers, served as advisors, helping the participants to produce clothing based on ideals they devised. Other activities included lectures on our sustainable products, group work on the latest trends, and training through store visits. Participants offered comments like, “I am one step closer to my dream,” and “My vision for the future has become clearer.”

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