Adastria's Materialities and Formulation Process
ESG Materialities
How to formulate issues to be addressed
We have narrowed down the social issues that should be prioritized for the entire Adastria Group to seven issues through formulation process based on the following materiality analysis.
Formulation Flow
①Establishment of social issues to be addressed

We used indicators from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), unanimously adopted by 193 UN member states as important social issues.
②Evaluate priorities based on stakeholder opinions
Questionnaires and interviews were conducted with experts in various fields such as the environment and human rights, as well as with approximately 6,800 customers and employees, to identify social issues that the Adastria Group should address and evaluate their priority.
③Evaluate importance based on relevance to business

We assessed the importance of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of the project based on its "relevance to business."
④Formulate issues to be addressed

After going through the process from (1) to (3), we selected issues of higher priority and determined the social issues for the Adastria Group.
Our Approach to the SDGs
The SDGs goals linked to the key themes derived from the materiality analysis are as follows. As a company with global operations, we will take the SDGs as our own, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable, diverse, and inclusive society in which "no one is left behind.
※SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals as declared in "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nation Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.