Governance regarding Sustainability
Sustainability Committee
The Adastria Group Sustainability Policy calls for Taking the Excitement of Fashion Into the Future. In accordance with this policy, we consider sustainability initiatives to be an important management issue. Through our business activities, we will take on the challenge of solving global issues and help bring about a sustainable society and economic growth. As part of these efforts, the Adastria Group established a new Sustainability Committee on March 1, 2023, aiming to further strengthen our pursuit of strategies in non-financial areas within the Board of Directors. The committee will faithfully respond to the trust and expectations of stakeholders by focusing on identifying materialities related to the medium-term management plan and fundamental business policies, as well as on appropriately disclosing information. The Sustainability Committee sets sustainability policies, medium- to long-term goals, as well as manages progress on identified materialities. Additionally, the committee reports to and advises the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, strengthening the group implementation systems and enhancing corporate value.
Governance Structure
Endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

We endorse the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest sustainability initiative, in which the United Nations and private companies and organizations work together to build a healthy global society. We will act in compliance with UNGC’s 10 principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, working to resolve social issues through our business activities.
Initiatives for Corporate Governance
Click here to learn more about our initiatives for corporate governance.